Friday, December 14, 2012

The Twelve Days of Gratitude: Day 2

Are you on a first name basis with your printer?

Have you ever thought to thank your printer? Do you know your printer or do they know you?

Next time you take a printing job to your regular neighborhood printer, ask if the manager is available, introduce yourself, and tell them what a great job they are doing.   Just think, have they ever gotten documents printed for you at the last minute, under deadline?  

It's important to recognize the people that are often overlooked but make an impact on your school or organization.  Take some time to tell them about some of the wonderful things happening at your school or organization and invite them to come take a tour.

And you’d be surprised what could come of this, by just letting someone know they are appreciated.  We’ve had clients who have just simply introduced themselves, said thank you, and the printer felt so appreciated that he donated the next printing job to the school for free.   

Do you have a go-to printer that you know by name? Have you taken the time to introduce yourself to him/her?

Next time you drop off a project, take some time to introduce yourself, and let us know how it goes.

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