Raising Money Without Asking
- Do your board members love fundraising?
- Do you?
- Do you want to have more fun securing the resources your organization needs?
When I say fundraising isn't about asking for money, people either slant their head and look at me confused or they give me the evil eye. I don't mean to say you can't raise money if you ask for money; of course you can and it's done every day. But it often feels, well, yucky (my technical term).
Just ask your board members if they like asking people for money. My guess is many of you feel your board members are not doing enough to open doors for your organization. It's not that they are uncommitted; it's that their relationships are very important to them, and they don't want to put them in jeopardy.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could secure the resources you need without asking for things? In fact, let's just be honest and admit that when we ask for money, it feels more like begging, and that feels yucky.
There is a more genuine and spiritual approach to fundraising that feels good, and in this blog post, I'm going to tell you exactly how to receive more by doing less asking. This approach requires two important changes though: FIRST, a change in how you think and what you believe; and SECOND, a change in what you do.
Changing the Way You Think and What You Believe
There are some MISCONCEPTIONS about the world of fundraising:
- There's not enough money out there. This just isn't true, but if you believe it, you've already put up a wall between you and all the opportunities to find the money that are out there. There is soooooo much money out there it makes my head spin. If you are not attracting it, YOU are the one not doing something as effectively as you could. It doesn't matter if the economy is good or bad, whether you live in a rural community, a low-income community; there is plenty of money available for your organization.
- We have to compete against everyone else. This sense of competition makes me cringe. It feels like you cannot be supportive of other organizations, because if you are, you will hurt your own. If you think fundraising money is like a pie that has to be split among the organizations in your community, then again, you have limited yourself.
For example, you know how I love talking about Eastbrook Academy, because they put into practice a new way of thinking/believing PLUS new
behaviors. Because of that they not only took their annual event to new heights (raising at this year's event a third of what they raised total in 15 years), but they achieved their initial goal a month before the event and then went on to double that goal and achieve that. They were in the zone just like a professional athlete. They could not have done this without changing the way they thought about money PLUS going about it in a way that made them feel comfortable and actually have fun.
Changing What You Do
After you take a leap of faith and change your beliefs, what do you do next? Well, action is required, but the right kind of action. I've talked about these in other blog posts, so you may want to refer back to some of them on developing your story, inspiring people to become ambassadors for your organization, designing a compelling tour, etc.
- Cultivate relationships when you DON'T NEED MONEY. You will really strengthen your relationships with people if you change their perception that the only time you want to talk with them is when you need something.

- Invite people in and share WITHOUT AN AGENDA. Having an expected outcome from someone actually limits the outcome; it's like putting a wall up between you and the potential generosity of the person you're with. That doesn't mean you don't enter the conversation prepared with things you want to share. It means letting go of the result, and being genuinely interested in another human being. The less you care about what happens, the more that will happen. Caring too much about the results causes you to come across desperate, which is the opposite of inspiring. Be truly open to the possibilities.
- During your tour, ask your visitor questions. His or her answers will give you clues about what really interests them, and then focus on those things. Don't feel compelled to tell them everything - they don't usually care about everything, just certain things.
- After the tour, sit down and share your achievements and priorities. This is key and why you don't have to ask for money. After you update your visitor/donor and highlight what you've been able to accomplish (thanks to them if they're already a donor), and then very clearly outline your major priorities and what you need to accomplish them. You need to be specific, and you may even have separate one-sheets on each of the major priorities.
- Ask these THREE MAGIC QUESTIONS in this order and then take notes. Now it is time to stop talking and listen very carefully. FIRST ask WHAT DO YOU THINK? Start writing, because you are going to gain insight into what is really important to this person, as well as valuable feedback about how you are sharing your story. SECOND ask HOW DO YOU SEE YOURSELF FITTING IN? This question allows the person to decide for themselves where they want to have an impact, and because you were so clear on your priorities, whatever they decide will be what you need. By not asking for a specific amount from them - but letting them know specifically what you need to achieve your priorities - you have left it wide open for them TO DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES, which often leads to a much bigger donation than you would have otherwise gotten. Or, they could say, I'm not sure, or nothing now, to which you will answer THANK YOU! THIRD ask WHO ELSE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT WHAT WE'RE DOING? If you've inspired them and been clear about your priorities, and because you didn't ask them for anything, I can almost guarantee that they will think of at least one other person or organization that may be interested in your organization's mission. The answers to these questions represent the JUICY STUFF (another technical term) that directs your cultivation activities and leads to resources.
- Send a hand-written thank you note within 48 hours. No matter the result, send a thank you note. No matter what happens, you have made an impression on this person that could lead to something down the road.
- Do your follow-up activities. Followup is the key to success here. If the visitor suggested someone might be interested, be sure to follow up with them about getting connected to that person, and follow up with that person and invite them for a tour. Followup is every organization's weakness, and it's where all the results happen.

As always, feel free to share what happens when you put these ideas to work for your organization, and please pass this information along to others who could benefit.
Happy Spring!
To read more about how to do fundraising without asking for money, purchase my book The Secret to Fundraising; It's NOT About Asking for Money by clicking here.
I love the relationship focus here. So important to remember that fundraising isn't about the money but creating sustainable relationships with people who believe in what we're doing and want to be a part of it!
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