Does your new charter school need to attract students?
Proven Formula to Achieve Enrollment Goals!
There was a time when public school districts didn't have to worry about attracting students. When children in the community turned five, their families decided whether to enroll them in a public or private school, and the child just remained with that system through high school.
Well, those days are gone. Changing demographics, open enrollment, new choices like charter and voucher schools all contribute to growing stress for public schools whose revenue depends on the number of students attending their schools.
THE GOOD NEWS is that more options for families keep all schools on their toes when it comes to offering the best to students.
THE BAD NEWS is school leaders were never trained in how to attract new students.
I've worked with all types of schools - private, public, charter, choice - in both urban and rural settings on enrollment. In some instances, a new charter school needs to attract up to 60 new students in a way that doesn't feel threatening to the regular schools in the districts. In other cases, a school district has lost up to one quarter of its students because of open enrollment and a lack of available jobs in the community?
THE GOOD NEWS is that there is a SIMPLE FORMULA you can use to achieve your enrollment goal. BUT, while the formula is simple, the challenge will be in your willingness to try something new. I PROMISE the formula works. When you feel uncomfortable trying what I want you to try, it's because you're learning something new. The key is to have the discipline to do it anyway because you know it will lead to results.
Story + Direction + Relationships
Sound familiar? If you've read any of my past blog postings, or been an alinea client, you'll recognize this formula. It's the KEY TO ACHIEVING MORE RESULTS in anything. Here, we'll talk about enrollment.

First, people need to know why you're potentially the best school for their children. No one knows how awesome you are unless you tell them. Don't be shy. If you've already developed a case statement (your story), then start by creating a very basic flyer that lets people know you are looking for new families to join your school or district and highlight what you think they would find most impressive. Click here to request a sample enrollment flyer.
Be clear about what you want to achieve. The bigger and bolder your goals, the more inspiring they are to people. Let the community know you want to welcome 25 students into your schools. Let people know you're looking for students who are a match to your unique approach. Get them excited about the campaign to expand your student body.
This is the part when you will begin to feel uncomfortable. Creating a flyer is most likely obvious to you. Letting people know exactly what you want to achieve is probably new but makes sense when you think about it. This next part though is what will make your break your campaign to reach your enrollment goal.
It's not about the flyer or the marketing pieces. Paper doesn't engage people. PEOPLE ENGAGE PEOPLE. You're going to need to gather a small group of people together to GET THE WORD OUT. Let your PTO and school board members know about your enrollment goal - they're great ambassadors for your schools. Let your students and their families know that you're looking for more families. Go speak to the local Rotary or Kiwanis Club or other business club. They know the value of strengthening schools to the business climate.
When your team of ambassadors comes across someone that seems interested, have them get their name, email and phone number so someone can send them more information. A staff person needs to be in charge of a TRACKING DOCUMENT, which is an excel spreadsheet with columns for the prospect name and contact information, next step and date next step.
You've piqued their interest; now it's time to really engage them and allow them to explore the possibility of becoming part of your school family. Begin by emailing or calling them and saying something like this: "Hello, this is Joe Smith, a volunteer board member with South Shore School District. I understand you may be interested in finding out more about our schools. Would you like to come in for a tour or may I send you more information about our unique approach?" The OBJECTIVE OF THE CALL is to get them in for a tour.
A school tour isn't about building layout - Here's the gym, here's the cafeteria. It's about making an emotional connection with someone who is looking for the perfect learning environment for their children. The tour is about bringing to life your school's unique approach through success stories, seeing learning in action, listening to parents, teachers and volunteers share their passion for your schools. I could spend a whole hour writing and talking about how to do a compelling tour, but for now, click here to request a copy of the alinea tool: Compelling Tour.
After the tour, the prospect may be ready to fill out an application (be ready for that). Once they've made a YES decision, then your relationship cultivation is really just beginning. Your next steps will focus on welcoming them into the school family.
However, if you do not get a decision after the tour, then your next steps need to focus on answering questions or addressing concerns until you get a yes or no. To prevent things from falling through the cracks, EVERY PROSPECT SHOULD HAVE A NEXT STEP AND DATE NEXT STEP and every week the tracking should be sorted by DATE NEXT STEP so you know what steps you're taking each week.

If you follow through on this formula, YOU WILL ACHIEVE RESULTS!
Please be sure to share your success stories.
Deb Lukovich
alinea, LLC
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