Wisconsin Schools are Busting Out of Scarcity Mentality!
Last week, I spoke at the Wisconsin Education Convention to almost 100 school superintendents, principals and board members. For the second year, I spoke about the need for schools to look at school funding in a new way.
After years of declining school budgets with no end in sight, alinea is helping schools understand that they have more control over their revenue than they thought.
These schools are not scaling back; just the opposite. They are dreaming about what their schools COULD DO for students to prepare them for careers that don't even exist yet. Even though this all costs more, instead of focusing on not having enough, they are learning how to share their exciting stories and inspiring people to help.
It doesn't matter if they're a public school, a private school, a charter school, or a choice school. Where there's a will, there's a way. These schools are creating a buzz and attracting resources from unexpected sources.
Education Foundations Springing Up!
What was really interesting was the advancement in the understanding in the room. Last year, the biggest question by school leaders had to do with how to talk about their school in the community. They knew it wasn't about just pushing information out through newsletters, but they weren't sure how to do it.
This year, the biggest question was how to start or grow an education foundation. I was really excited about this, because this shows a change in mindset. School leaders are bravely busting out of their old scarcity mentality and seeking out ways to get more resources. They may not be doing it quite right, but they're learning that their very existence will depend upon engaging the community.
What To Do Next With a Current Donor!
As I was sharing stories about how some schools already are receiving generous donations, one of the superintendents admitted that his district has a very generous donor who has made donations over $10,000 annually for at least three years.
He shared that they always invite him to the school to visit classrooms when he is in town, and they send thank you letters signed by the students who are benefiting by the donation. Everything sounded good so far.
Then I asked if he had ever sat down with the donor to let him know what the BHAG - big hairy audacious goal - of education in the community was. The superintendent said no. I asked them if the district had a BHAG. The superintendent said no.
I suggested that without an overall vision for the future and the top three priorities to achieve that vision, the donor cannot see where he fits in.
He is only doing part of alinea's formula of STORY + DIRECTION + RELATIONSHIPS. He's trying to cultivate a relationship, but not very strategically, and without a compelling vision for the future and the clarity of how to get there.
The superintendent began to show his understanding by enthusiastically nodding his head up and down. He began to see that what needed to happen next:
1. Conversations and dreaming about what education could look like for the community - an exciting and compelling vision for the future.
2. Ability to share your story in a way that inspires people to want to help - three clear priorities describing what has to happen to achieve the vision.
3. Inviting the donor back, sharing all of this and then asking alinea's three magic questions:
- What do you think? Then listen.
- How do you see yourself fitting in? Then listen.
- Who else needs to know about what we're doing here? Then listen.
If you do this, you will get so much back in return. The most important thing is that you will learn about how much this donor cares. He or she may just be waiting for this moment to be part of something so big. Without asking for anything - because you clearly state where you are going and what you need to get there - the donor can discover for himself what piece excites him. Finally, he/she will be happy to connect you to others. You'll have so many opportunities come from just that one meeting.
Try this, and let me know what happens. Sharing your successes gives others the confidence to try this. You will be helping to empower other schools to attract the generosity of others.
With eternal optimism,
P.S. alinea's approach to fundraising is a serious change in mindset. Since most of our behavior is driven by our unconscious, you may need some help developing these new habits of mindset and behavior. One resource that I have been using almost every day is a wonderful set of free hypnosis downloads. Check out Joseph Clough's Unlocking Your Potential - he offers 20 hours of free downloads. You'll get hooked if you're trying to overcome any blockage to changing old thinking into new thinking. Click here to check it out! Joseph Clough FREE hypnosis downloads.
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